How to Stop a Running Toilet in Seconds

How to Stop a Running Toilet in Seconds | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: seejanedrill via Youtube


Is the water in your toilet won’t stop running? Chances are there are just a few things you need to check first before calling in a professional. Seejanedrill on YouTube has the perfect solution for you that won’t cost you even a dime – and the best part is you can do it in just seconds! Sometimes, the best solutions for your home don’t include hiring professional help; a proper check is all you need, and Seejanedrill is here to prove this.


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First, have a good look at your toilet and try to pinpoint where the problem lies. By watching Seejanedrill’s tutorial, you’ll be able to know where to check first, saving you so much time. Now, before starting, make sure to grab a screwdriver, as this is the only tool you’ll need for this. Ready? Check out the video tutorial below to learn the step by step instructions. Share this also with your friends and family!


Step 1

Take off the lid of your toilet tank, check the screw in the fill valve, and adjust it to stop the water from running. (If you turn the adjustment screw clockwise, it will raise the water level, and if you turn it counterclockwise, it will decrease the water level.)

Adjust the screw inside your toilet tank to stop water from running
Image credits: seejanedrill via Youtube


Step 2

Once you have adjusted the adjustment screw, flush the toilet to verify if the toilet reaches the proper water level. Wait for the water to rise and check if it will reach the right level. (This will also ensure that you made the correct adjustment to the screw.)

Step 3

To know if you turn the screw correctly, check the mark on the side of the canister valve assembly. This is where your water level should be.

Make sure the water level in your toilet tank is correct to avoid water from running
Image credits: seejanedrill via Youtube

How to Stop a Running Toilet in Seconds

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