How to Cook the Perfect Microwave Egg in One Minute

How to Cook the Perfect Microwave Egg in One Minute | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Ammis Kitchenette via YouTube


Do you love eating eggs? If you do, you will surely find this hack useful! I eat eggs for breakfast every day and never knew you could cook sunny-side-up eggs in the microwave until I stumbled across Ammis Kitchenette’s video tutorial. I was so surprised that it turned out perfect. It looked just the same as the ones cooked on the stovetop. The yolk was still runny just how I like it.


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I had to try it at home to know if this hack was real. True enough, the egg came out perfect. This microwave egg is definitely a game-changer. If you are too tired or lazy to cook eggs on your stovetop, try this microwave trick.

Don’t want a runny egg yolk? Not a problem. Cook it for a few seconds more to get the doneness you prefer. Take note that the time depends on the size of the egg you are using.

Here are some egg recipes for you: Instant Pot Starbucks Egg Bites Copycat RecipeEasy Deviled Egg Potato Salad RecipeEasy & Healthy Avocado Egg Salad Recipe

What You Need to Cook Egg in the Microwave

  • cool large egg
  • cooking spray
  • Microwave-safe plate
  • seasonings

How to Cook an Egg in the Microwave

Step 1:

Spray the plate with cooking spray.

Step 2:

Crack the cool egg into the greased plate. Using a fork, gently pierce the egg yolk.

What You Need to Cook Egg in the Microwave (1)
Image by Ammis Kitchenette via YouTube

Step 3:

Season the eggs with salt and pepper or preferred seasonings.

How to Cook Egg in the Microwave (2)
Image by Ammis Kitchenette via YouTube

Step 4:

Place the plate inside your microwave. Microwave the egg for about 1 minute.

Step 5:

Remove the plate from the microwave and enjoy with toasted bread. If you don’t want the yolk to be runny, microwave it for about 10 to 15 seconds more.


How to Cook the Perfect Microwave Egg in One Minute

How to Cook The Perfect Microwave Egg

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