How to Chop an Onion Without Crying

How to Chop an Onion Without Crying | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Chowhound via YouTube


Onions are a must in every kitchen. They enhance the flavors of different dishes. Without onions, your dish may turn out boring. They have a rich umami or sweet taste that adds an extra depth to your dish. The only problem with onions is that they can be very pungent, which can make your eye sting when cutting.


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So, is there a way to chop an onion without crying? Luckily, there is! These hacks by Chowhound are perfect if you are going to cook a ton of onions for a burger or salsa party and you want to save yourself from all the crying. Give them a try!

Here’s another hack for you: Clever Garlic Peeling Hack

How to Cut Onions Without Crying

Step 1:

  • Refrigerate it. If you store your onions in the refrigerator, it will chill enough that it won’t allow the sulfuric acid to build up.
  • Ice water bath. This is another way to change the chemistry of onions. Add ice cubes to a bowl, and fill it with water.  Dunk the onion for a few minutes. It will remove some of the pungency. But do not soak it too long as it will dilute the flavor.
  • Boiling water. Fill a pot with water and let it come to a boil. Once boiling, drop the onion and let it cook for 30 seconds. This may change the texture of the onion.
How to Cut Onions Without Crying
Image by Chowhound via YouTube

Step 2:

Work in a well-ventilated space. Using a sharp knife, cut the root end off. It will release the gas. Take a slice of bread and pop it into your mouth. Chop the onion with the bread in your mouth, then you won’t cry.

This works by forcing you to breathe the chemical in through your mouth while chewing bread, instead of absorbing it through your nose or eyes.

How to Actually Prevent Tears When Chopping Onions
Image by Chowhound via YouTube

How to Chop an Onion Without Crying

How to Chop an Onion Without Crying

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