How to Peel 20 Cloves in 20 Seconds

How to Peel 20 Cloves in 20 Seconds | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by: Food Wishes


I love adding garlic to my recipes as they add a sweet and almost nutty flavor to all the dishes. What I don’t like the most is removing the skin as it takes a lot of time. Sometimes I will smash a few pieces of cloves using a mortar and pestle or use a knife to loosen the skin. I find them tedious, so I looked for faster ways to do this and found this amazing technique by Food Wishes on Youtube. This took off several minutes on my vegetable preparation. The technique is super easy to follow and won’t even cost you money. How great is that? Here is how to peel 20 cloves in 20 seconds. You’ll be shocked why you never used this method before.




  • 1 bulb of garlic
  • 2 metal bowls ( it’s easier if you use bowls of the same size but they really don’t have to as long as you can hold them together)


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Step 1:

Take your garlic and hit it on your cutting board or any solid flat surface. Loosen the cloves and toss them into your bowl. You don’t need to remove the papery skin, you can also toss them in there and just remove them after for an easier and quicker process.

How to Peel 20 Cloves in 20 Seconds Technique
Image by: Food Wishes


Step 2:

Once you have all the cloves into the bowl, place the other bowl on top and cover the garlic. Hold them together on the sides. To start, shake them vigorously for about 20 seconds. After that, you are done, that’s all you need to do. Take off the cover and look at the cloves. The cloves that don’t look peeled are already loose. Just grab them with your fingers and pull the skin off.  Remove the garlic from the bowl and you can easily throw the skin off.

How to Peel 20 Cloves in 20 Seconds Method
Image by: Food Wishes


How to Peel 20 Cloves in 20 Seconds

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