I just love spring! Flowers are blooming everywhere, and you can hear the birds chirping. I came across this easy flower patchwork block by The Melody of Sewing, which is perfect for this season. Isn’t this pattern lovely? I am absolutely in love with it. It’s unlike any flower pattern I have ever seen before. It’s definitely unique and lovely. Make sure you add this to your list.

RELATED: Prairie Flower Quilt Tutorial

I know it may look like it’s not beginner-friendly, but I’m telling you, it is. The block is just made out of a square unit, half-square triangles, and a 2-inch square. To make the unit block, all you need to do is sew strips on two sides of a two-patch unit repeatedly. It is absolutely easy to follow. This is the perfect sewing project if you want to improve your sewing skills.

For more flower patterns, check these out: Easy Flower Quilt BlockHow to Make Granny’s Pretty Sunflower QuiltEasy Sunflower Quilt Block Tutorial

Flower Block Materials

  • 2″ wide strips of fabric(solid and printed)
  • 2 pieces of 5″ squares (solid)
  • 2 pieces of 5″ squares (printed)
  • 2 inch solid and printed squares

How to Make a Flower Block

Step 1:

Cut 2 pieces of 2-inch squares from the solid strip and printed strip for a total of four. Sew them in pairs – one solid and one printed.

Step 2:

Sew a solid strip on the first two-patch block (this will be unit A) and a printed strip on the second (this will be unit B). Cut the excess on both blocks and press them open. You can see the L pattern.

Step 3:

Sew a solid strip on the side of unit B and a printed strip on the side of unit A. See photo below for reference. Add another layer of the same strips two the other side to make the L pattern.

Flower Block Materials
Image by The Melody of Sewing via YouTube

Step 4:

Repeat step 3 using the opposite fabrics and you have two blocks. Press them open.

Step 5:

Draw diagonal lines from corner to corner in both directions on the back side of the printed 5″ squares. Place them on top of the solid squares, right sides together. Sew 1/4″ away from the lines on either side. Cut directly on the drawn lines and press them open. Trim off excess.

Step 6:

Arrange the block, half-squares triangles, and a 2-inch square just like in the photo below. Sew them into a block.

How to Make a Flower Block 
Image by The Melody of Sewing via YouTube

Step 7:

Repeat step 1 to 6 to make another pair.

Step 8:

Sew the four blocks just like a four-patch to make the flower.

Easy Flower Patchwork Block for Beginners


Lily Suing

I have always been naturally curious. I love exploring various interests, whether it's trying out breakfast recipes, working on DIY projects at home, discovering new crafts, or anything that makes my life easier! When I am not writing, you can find me outdoors, enjoying the sun with a cold drink in my hand.

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