She Makes An Awesome Framed Button Initial For Her Gallery Grouping!

She Makes An Awesome Framed Button Initial For Her Gallery Grouping! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

If you’ve got a wall that has your framed art in a gallery type grouping, this is a great DIY project to add to it. Adding different types of art with dimensions makes it more interesting and pleasing to the eye.


No matter what the size of your living room, you can create a cozy and warm atmosphere by using a few simple DIY techniques. Several designs can be construed from the simplest items like repurposing your extra buttons.

I love a framed monogram, don’t you? Simple, but it adds so much character to the space. You can do this for next to nothing by going to your local thrift store and picking up a cheap frame, and, if you get lucky you may find an initial! If not, Michael’s or Hobby Lobby has them. Also, this looks great hung by a black ribbon bow attached to the frame!

These make great gifts for friends and family for the holidays. Pinterest had one with black and white herringbone fabric stretched over the canvas, turquoise frame and with an initial that had been spray painted silver…so great looking!

It’s no secret that homemade gifts are often not only less expensive but also typically more special because of the personalized touch that goes along with them.

Watch how Simply Anything makes this in their step by step tutorial!

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