Layer Cake Garden Games Quilt Tutorial

Layer Cake Garden Games Quilt Tutorial | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Moonkin Stitchery via Youtube


If you are looking for a quick and easy quilt pattern, this quilt project from Moonkin Stitchery on Youtube is just right for you! As a quilting beginner, this project is exactly on my level as it’s suitable for all skill levels. This quilt also only uses printed 10” squares or layer cakes and has a free pattern for different sizes. So if you have a stash of unused layer cakes you’re saving, you might want to consider making this quilt project. And don’t worry if you’re a seasoned quilter, as you will still enjoy quilting this project. Watch the video tutorial below to learn how to make this.



For a throw size:

  • 42 – 10″ print squares or layer cake
  • 1/2 yard binding
  • 3 & 1/2 yards backing
  • 58″ x 66″ batting
  • (click here for the free pattern)


Step 1

Re-stack a few of the squares together and start making cuts that are 3 & 1/4″ x 10″ strips. After this, rotate the mat and cut another 3/4″ strips again. This will give you nine 3/4″ squares. Cut the rest with the same process. Once all of your cuts are made, create a nine-patch using two different prints, then sew all of your squares together to first form rows. Lastly, sew those rows together to complete the quilt block. Repeat this step to make as many nine-patch blocks as you need for your quilt size.

Cutting the layer cakes into strips
Image credits: Moonkin Stitchery via Youtube


Step 2

With the remaining layer cake 10″ square, trim them down to the exact same size as your nine-patch which you will then cut the remaining layer cakes to 8 & 3/4″ squares. Now, start making your quilt top. Start with a print square followed by a nine patch. Keep alternating between the two blocks. For your even rows, go ahead and start with the nine-patch followed by the print square. Once done, sew your blocks together to form rows, then sew those rows together to complete the quilt top.

Layering the layer cake garden games quilt top
Image credits: Moonkin Stitchery via Youtube

Layer Cake Garden Games Quilt Tutorial

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