Last Minute Halloween Candle Decor On a Budget

Last Minute Halloween Candle Decor On a Budget | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by lonefoxhome via TikTok


Halloween is just around the corner. Have you decorated your home yet? If not, here’s a last minute candle Halloween decor on a budget that you can easily make with dollar store items! No need to break the bank to buy gorgeous decorations when you can DIY them. These are very easy to make and only require a few items!


TikToker @lonefoxhome shared a video on the platform of how she made these gorgeous Halloween decorations using dollar store items.

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Last Minute Halloween Candle Decor on a Budget

Lonefoxhome started by using hot glue to create drips on the top part of glass vases he got from the dollar store to make them look like melting candle wax. He made the drippings into different lengths to make them look more natural. He set them aside and let them dry.


Last Minute Candle Halloween Decor On a Budget Tutorial
Image by lonefoxhome via TikTok


While waiting for the glue to dry, he went ahead, and painted the base of LED tea lights he got from the dollar store to go along with the theme. Next, he cut down a couple of popsicle sticks, the same size as the inner diameter of the glass vases. Then he glued them inside of the glass vases on the top part. These sticks kept the teal lights in place.

He brought the vase glasses outside and gave them a coat of matte black spray paint, including the sticks. Once they were dry, he placed the tea light on top. You can decorate these however you like, but he placed the candles on top of a stack of books.


Last Minute Candle Halloween Decor On a Budget Project
Image by lonefoxhome via TikTok


This easy Halloween DIY project turned out really beautiful! I can’t even believe that he made them from scratch. These look like they were bought from a designer store, right? The great thing about these is that they are reusable year after year!


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