Macramé projects are truly an interesting hobby to learn, and I can say that I’m starting to get pretty passionate about it. I started with smaller DIY projects and slowly practiced the skills to take on harder ones. One of my favorite tutorials would be this macramé coaster by createwithjenn on YouTube, it was perfect for beginners, it is also a useful product, and adds a very chic vibe.


  • Macramé cord
  • Scissors
  • Tape, optional (to hold the coaster in place and avoid moving it off the surface while knotting)


Step 1

Cut 1 piece of cord with a 5-foot length and 5 cords with a 30-inch length. Make a loop near the end of the 5-foot cord, then fold 1 of the 30-inch cords in half and place it under the 2 cords of the loop. Then, insert the ends to the hole created and pull them tight creating a cow hitch knot or reverse lark’s head knot, do this to all 5 cords. Pull the longer end of the 5-foot cord to tighten the loop and use the long ends as the holding cord. Next, bring your holding cord over the cord to the right of it. With the now left cord, make a number 4  over the holding cord, then pull the end through the loop created. Do this twice, creating a double half hitch knot. Bring the next cord to the right of it under the holding cord so that it’s now the left cord and make a double half hitch knot, repeat with the rest of the cords.

Easy DIY Macramé Coaster For Beginners
Image Credit: createwithjenn via YouTube


Step 2

After the first round, you’ll see a gap, just add a 26-inch cord to the holding cord using a cow hitch knot, then continue with your knots. Along the way, if you notice another cord just add another 26-inch cord and proceed. For the next rounds, tie a 22-inch cord, then an 18-inch cord for the next round, and a 14 -inch cord to the next (as the round gets bigger, the cord gets smaller by 2 inches). Stop when you’ve reached 7 rounds. Tuck the end of the holding cord to the back securely. Then cut and remove the tiny edges of the holding cord. Trim all of the cords’ ends to create a circle, then comb the strands a little at a time, and work your way up. Trim and refine your circle.

Quick and Easy Macramé Craft Ideas
Image Credit: createwithjenn via YouTube


*All these images are credited to createwithjenn via YouTube. Give her channel a visit and subscribe for more!

How To Make A DIY Macramé Coaster


Elle Ann

With a flair and passion for writing, crafting, and cooking, I've embarked on a mission to discover promising content and turn it into simplified tutorials to help readers whip up their own nifty crafts and delicious food.
Food for me is an art form, so I get my kicks from playing around with flavors and ingredients. And, if you can't find me in the kitchen, I'm probably lurking in a cozy café, sipping on some coffee while indulging in my favorite burnt Basque cheesecake with either a book or phone in hand, of course.

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