Image by The Cooking Foodie via YouTube
How can I say no to homemade ice cream that only requires three ingredients? Chocolate is my all-time favorite flavor. I’m a chocolate fanatic, so anything chocolate related catches my eye. When I came across The Cooking Foodie’s recipe on YouTube, I was completely mesmerized. The quality of the video is well put together and I love how clear everything is shown up close. The music added to the tutorial sets the tone and completes a simple mood, which presents the recipe as easy. I’m surprised how fast and inexpensive this homemade chocolate ice cream recipe is, and you know exactly what ingredients you’re putting in.
Step one: place the cold heavy cream in a large bowl, and whip to stiff peaks. Then, add cocoa powder, sweetened condensed milk and beat on low speed until incorporated.
After, transfer into a container/dish, freeze for least 6 hours.
I can’t wait to try this creamy, smooth and rich homemade chocolate ice cream!