Watch The Useful Thing She Makes Out Of An Old T-Shirt (Astonishing!)

Watch The Useful Thing She Makes Out Of An Old T-Shirt (Astonishing!) | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Whatever you do, don’t throw out all of your old t-shirts! This is a fabulous idea for repurposing them and so useful too! I just love all the clever DIY’s out there now a days. So many of the blow me away, like this one for instance!


Since I live in a state where we are required to take our own bags to the grocery store, target, and many other stores, this is one big reason I’m so interested in this DIY project, plus, I get to recycle my favorite old t-shirts! I’m not ready to cut up my Rolling Stones shirt yet though!

I’d been looking for an easy-to-carry, washable alternative for the kids to use, and over the weekend I came across this perfect solution. My local thrift shop was selling cute t-shirts for 99 cents apiece that were practically begging to be upcycled into a farmer’s market tote. They’re 100% washable, and when they’re no longer useful as bags I can cut them into rags to clean with.

As far as I’m concerned, you can never have too many bags. These can be used for so many things, from grocery bags, shopping bags, overnight bags, lunch bags and more!

These t-shirt bags take no more than 10 minutes from start to finish, and I love how they turned out.

Grab those t-shirts and watch how Aim to Create does this in their step by step tutorial! Easy peasy!

Photo Credit: A big thanks to One Good Thing for the use of their photo of the t-shirt bags. Check out their blog site for more interesting things!


Thanks to One Good Thing for the use of their photo of their t-shirt bags. Make sure to check out their blog site for more great ideas!

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