Watch How She Changes Up This Plain Sweatshirt Into An Amazing Fashion Statement!

Watch How She Changes Up This Plain Sweatshirt Into An Amazing Fashion Statement! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

I’ve gotta say that the way the BusyBeeMom changes up a plain old sweatshirt into this fashionable jacket blew my mind! This is such a popular look right now.  I would have never dreamed that you could get this result from what she does!


I am so in love with this restyled sweatshirt. When I ran across this tutorial I think I gasped! It’s so beautiful, simple and cozy. Who doesn’t want to look pretty in something so comfy! You’d never guess that this was a sweatshirt when you see the finished product.

I had an oversized sweatshirt that was an eyesore. It was huge, gray, and in need of love. I’ve had this sweatshirt for years and it has always been about 3 sizes too big. After watching this tutorial, I decided to dress it up a bit so I could get a little more use out of it.

Let me start off by saying that I am in no way a seamstress. I can make pillows and curtains but clothes are much more difficult. Sometimes I get it right and make a masterpiece but it takes me forever to get to that point. With that said I thought I would tackle this project, since I have the instructions in this clever tutorial.  I had seen this sweatshirt on Pinterest a while back I loved it! I thought it looked really simple to replicate and it actually was!

Watch how the BusyBeeMom transforms this sweatshirt into a cool looking jacket/cardigan!


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