He Paints This Beautiful Butterfly On A Rock And Shows Us Step By Step How To Do This!

He Paints This Beautiful Butterfly On A Rock And Shows Us Step By Step How To Do This! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

I find great rocks for painting all the time. I find a lot of them around the park by my home, but I’m always surprised how many rocks I find when I’m out and about.

I’ve been painting on rocks for a long time and have given them as gifts to many people. I’m strangely addicted to painting on rocks! There’s something about doing this that really creates a calming affect for me.


What’s not to like? Your canvas is free! Okay, maybe it’s not so free if you actually purchase a bag of stones from Michael’s Crafts. But that’s still okay. Stones are cheap no matter what! And if you have little kids and you want a project for a rainy day, a bag of Michael’s stones can be your best friend!

You can paint rocks as simple as you want to or as intricate as you want to. You can also do this with paint pens. I use acrylic paints because I like blending colors. Keep in mind, if you make a mistake, you can remove it with a wet paper towel or q-tip OR, simply just paint over it!

Watch how Roberto Rizzo paints this beautiful butterfly in his step by step tutorial and get your paint brushes out!



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