Cheesy Jalapeno Balls Recipe

Cheesy Jalapeno Balls Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Minimum Effort Maximum Satisfaction via Youtube


Love cheesy and spicy foods? Try these cheesy jalapeno balls by Minimum Effort Maximum Satisfaction to satisfy your cravings! It’s incredibly easy and fast to make. Have it as an appetizer or snack any time of the day with your favorite sauce.



  • 1 jalapeno or chilis (or more if you prefer it to be more spicy)
  • 4.2 oz of cheddar cheese (or any cheese you like)
  • about 1/2 cup of cream cheese
  • 1 egg
  • pinch of salt
  • a bowl of breadcrumbs
  • a bowl of flour

Note: if you don’t like it to be spicy just remove the jalapeno


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Step 1:

Start by removing the seed of the jalapeno and slicing it into small cubes. You can keep the seeds if you want them to be more spicey. You can use as many jalapenos as you like.

Step 2:

Add 4.2 oz of shredded cheese to a bowl, followed by 1/2 cup of cream cheese. Mix until well combined. Once mixed, add the diced jalapenos and mix again.

Cheesy Jalapeno Balls Recipe Ingredients
Image by Minimum Effort Maximum Satisfaction via Youtube

Step 3:

In a medium bowl, beat 1 egg and add a pinch of salt.

Step 4:

Prepare the bowl of breadcrumbs and flour.

Step 5:

Get some of the cheese mixture and form it into a ball using your hands. Coat it well with flour, dip it into the egg mixture, then toss it into the breadcrumbs. Dip it again into the egg and back into the breadcrumbs. Place on a plate and repeat with the remaining cheese mixture. Use your 1 hand for the cheese mix and egg coat, then the other for the flour and breadcrumb coat.

Cheesy Jalapeno Balls Recipe Instructions
Image by Minimum Effort Maximum Satisfaction via Youtube

Step 6:

Pour a generous amount of oil into a pot. Once hot, add the cheese balls and cook until golden brown and crispy for about 2 minutes. Take it out with a slotted spoon to remove excess oil.

Step 7:

Serve and enjoy!

Cheesy Jalapeno Balls Recipe

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