Add 70 Cubic Feet Of Space To Your Room With This DIY Bed Frame

Add 70 Cubic Feet Of Space To Your Room With This DIY Bed Frame | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

HandyDadTV / YouTube


Have you ever moved to a new space, just to realize you had too much stuff and too little room? I know I have. Sometimes it seems as if I have to give away over half of my wardrobe to make room for a bed!


What if you never had to deal with that again? HandyDadTV has come up with an awesome solution using IKEA kitchen cabinets, some 2x4s, a rubber rug and a few other easy-to-find items. This bed frame is so creative and so practical. I can’t wait to make my own!

A bed frame similar to this one could cost hundreds of dollars. With the IKEA cabinets, this raised frame will be a fraction of the price and will maximize your storage space.

Watching him create this gigantic bed frame with over 70 cubic feet of crawl space (!!!) is mesmerizing and instantly solves the problem we’ve all had with space. Even the smallest room can handle a version of this bed frame, and it looks so stylish and unique.

If you want to learn how to make the frame by anchoring it against the wall, check out the video below. If you’d rather have a free standing version, click here for his alternate tutorial.

When you decide to make one of your own, be sure to show us in the comments, and share this with your friends so they can learn this IKEA hack too!

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