8 Genius Cleaning Tricks With Dishwasher Tabs

8 Genius Cleaning Tricks With Dishwasher Tabs | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Smart Fox via Youtube


If you love cleaning, I’m sure you also love tricks to make cleaning easier, like these eight cleaning tricks from Smart Fox on Youtube. Who would have thought you could use dishwasher tabs aside from cleaning dishes? These ingenious tricks will blow your mind! Watch the video below for the following cleaning tricks.



Got a burnt pot or casserole dish? Put some water in the pot and a dishwashing tab. Boil it together, then simmer for about a minute. This will dissolve the burnt spots in your pots.

Cleaning pots with dishwasher tabs
Image credits: Smart Fox via Youtube


This trick is about bad smells. For this, fill a pot with water and dump half a dishwasher tab. Let it boil on the stove. So, if you’ve been cooking and the whole apartment stinks of food, doing this trick will eliminate that smell. Just let it simmer for about ten minutes and the bad smell should be gone.

#3 Pollution naturally accumulates in the trash can. To clean it, put some warm water in it, then dump half a dishwasher tab afterward. Leave it for about 30 to 60 minutes. After 60 minutes, you can tip the water away, then wipe out the bucket clean.


Moving on, trick number 4 is about your drain. Food residues and grease accumulate here and you have to remove them. For this, take two liters of water and put it into a pot, then add half a dishwasher tab. Leave it for a while to let the tab dissolve. After the tab completely dissolves, pour it gradually into the drain. This work equally well both in the kitchen and bathroom sink.



Your sink is always dirty over time and therefore should be cleaned. All you have to do is fill your sink with hot water, then add half a dishwasher tab to the water. During this time, the dishwasher tabs can dissolve and ensure that everything is cleaned properly.


I’m sure you use your washing machine regularly. But while the washing machine always cleans your laundry, the washing machine must also be cleaned once in a while. To do this, put one tab inside, start the program, and let the washing run through. Best to repeat this once every three months.


Now, to clean your whole bathroom with a dishwashing tab, take a spray bottle, put some water in it and add half a dishwasher tab. When the tab is completely dissolved, you can clean your bathroom with it.


Cleaning the toilet with a dishwashing tab. To do this, put hot water into the toilet and put two dishwashing tabs. Let these soak in for two to three hours. After this, go through it again with a toilet brush. Wipe everything clean, then rinse again.

Cleaning your toilet with dishwasher tabs
Image credits: Smart Fox via Youtube

8 Genius Cleaning Tricks With Dishwasher Tabs

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