A Simple Trick For Putting on a Fitted Bedsheet

A Simple Trick For Putting on a Fitted Bedsheet | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by The Doctors via YouTube


Nothing can beat fresh, clean sheets! It is one of my simple pleasures. As I grow older, I learn to appreciate the small things. I’m sure you also can’t resist the smell of new sheets. Who doesn’t, right? It’s free of sweat, body oils, dust, and dirt. I fall asleep quickly whenever I change my sheets, and it instantly brightens my day when I wake up. The only thing that I don’t like is putting the bedsheet on. I find it very complicated. Whenever I try to put one corner in, the other goes out, and it won’t fit properly.


RELATED: How to Fold a Fitted Sheet (Easy and Fast)

One time, I was so frustrated that I couldn’t put it properly and decided to search if there was an easier way to do it. Turned out there is! I found this simple trick for putting on a fitted bedsheet through The Doctors‘ video tutorial on YouTube. Who knew it was this easy? If you are having the same problem, try this simple tip. It will save you a lot of time and keep you away from stress.

This tip has made my life easier. Give this a try next time you change your fitted sheets.

Here’s another tip for you: How To Make Bed Sheets White Again

How to Put a Fitted Bedsheet

Step 1:

Take a look at your fitted sheet and look underneath where the tag is located. It is mostly in the corners.

How to Put a Fitted Bedsheet
Image by The Doctors via YouTube

Step 2:

Once you find the tag, put that corner on the bottom right of your mattress. Now that you have one corner done, do the same with the remaining corners. This trick will always fit your mattress. With this trick, you can always ensure that it is oriented the right way.

How to Put a Fitted Bedsheet Easily
Image by The Doctors via YouTube

A Simple Trick to Putting on a Fitted Bedsheet

A Simple Trick to Putting on a Fitted Bedsheet

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