Space Saving Towel Folding Technique

Space Saving Towel Folding Technique | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by FSRD via YouTube


Have you ever wondered how hotels or resorts fold their towel? I do! It always looks neat and organized when it’s rolled up tightly. You can easily grab from the stack without effort, which is pretty awesome. Sometimes, when it’s just folded in quarters and stacked together, it gets easily messed up, especially with the kids. This space saving towel folding technique by FSRD will teach you how to do it.


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The great thing about this type of folding is that the ends are tucked in, so you are sure that they will stay in place even when you stack them. It is also a great way to arrange your towels so you can see them right away in your closet. You will surely save a lot of space when you fold them properly. Try this folding technique if you don’t have much storage in your house.


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How to Fold a Towel Properly

Step 1:

Take your towel and hold it on two corners using both of your hands, then fold it in half.

Step 2:

Place on a clean flat surface with the folded edge facing towards you.

Step 3:

Take one of the folded corners and fold it into the middle. Next, take the other corner and fold it over until the corner meets the edge of the towel.

How to Fold a Towel Properly
Image by FSRD via YouTube

Step 4:

Hold it in the middle on both sides with one of the corners facing towards you. Take the towel and fold it in half.

Step 5:

Lay it on the surface and pull the front side down a little bit. With the folded edge facing towards you, start rolling the towel until you only have the little flap.

Towel Folding Technique
Image by FSRD via YouTube

Step 6:

Take the little flap and tuck it in underneath the edge of the towel.

Space Saving Towel Folding Technique

Space Saving Towel Folding Technique

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