What She Does With A Mason Jar Keeps Her Home Smelling Good All The Time!

What She Does With A Mason Jar Keeps Her Home Smelling Good All The Time! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Burning candles is one way to add a delightful aroma to your home but this is another method that is longer lasting and cheaper by far! These are great for knocking out all kinds of odors…cooking odors, odors in your kids rooms, bathrooms and more. I want my home to smell good when someone walks into it.


We’ve been loving our reed diffuser jars that are filling our home with all kinds of good smells! I’ve placed these fragrant air fresheners around the house to help keep it smelling fresh and fragrant! We chose to add lavender essential oil drops in our jars as this scent is our family’s absolute favorite aroma! It’s so calming and soothing, especially after a long day of work.

Everyone loves their home to smell nice, and making your own homemade essential oil diffuser is a great way to do that without having to spring for more expensive candles or reed diffuser oils to do the job.

The problem is that many of the nicer reed diffusers are pretty pricey. Paying $20 or $30 for an air freshener seems rather silly when many of us have the raw materials around the house.

The reason mason jars are the perfect container for reed diffusers is because the smaller the neck on the bottle, the slower the liquid will evaporate. I’m about to learn how much more quickly mine will evaporate with the wider opening of my vase.

Experiment with different essential oil combinations until you find one or two you really like. You can then increase your batches and keep them in sealed containers (such as a mason jar) to save prep time later on.

Watch how Suma Lifestyle does this in her step by step tutorial so you can have these in your home in no time at all! You’ll wonder what you did without them!

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