When I saw this awesome space-saving Army fold video tutorial by MILE30 Adventures, on YouTube, I was so excited to start using this useful idea. This military fold is so easy to do because you just roll the item up and use the end bits to secure the item. This military folding, or shall say, the ingenious rolling idea is so wonderful to help you get organized, you can really see all of your clothing choices more clearly. Whether you use the military fold for your suitcase or for the storage drawers or shelves in your bedroom, this simple method will really change your life.
You will begin this military fold by, laying your garment flat on a table or bed. There are several examples of how to fold different types of clothing in this excellent video tutorial. In the instance of a t-shirt, you will fold the sleeves in first.
Then, you will roll it up and use the ends to secure the item.
This is a wonderful idea, I just love it! I have used this military fold to organize all of my t-shirts, which used to be a real mess. Now my t-shirts are neatly arranged, and I can see every single one I have in one glance. I have also gone a step further and grouped them by color, which has really made getting ready in the morning so much easier.