3 Ways to Prevent Flowers from Wilting Quickly

3 Ways to Prevent Flowers from Wilting Quickly | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Smart Fox via YouTube


Flowers are great and always nice to have around your house, but when flowers are plucked out of the soil, they tend to wilt away. Fortunately, there are a lot of ways and techniques to properly care for your flowers so that they last longer than usual.


RELATED: How To Preserve Flowers Using Borax & Cornmeal

I have tried a couple of hacks before and most of them worked well with me, and if you also want to learn and give them a try, then check out this video tutorial by Smart Fox on YouTube. They are effective and practical because all the stuff that you’ll need is budget-friendly.

3 Ways to Prevent Flowers from Wilting Quickly:

  • Use a Hairspray
  • Use a Half or Whole Tablet of Aspirin
  • Use Vodka

How to Prevent Flowers from Wilting Quickly:

How to Prevent Flowers from Wilting Quickly
Image credit: Smart Fox via YouTube

Use a Hairspray

Before anything else, make sure always to cut the stems of your flowers at a 45° angle. Grab a hairspray and simply spray your entire flower with it and let it dry completely, you should only do this once the flower has already opened. You can also spray the entire stem with hairspray and let it dry.

Use a Half or Whole Tablet of Aspirin

Grab half an aspirin tablet or a whole one and put it in the water of the flower, then wait and let it dissolve. The acetylsalicylic acid the aspirin contains causes the flowers to wilt slowly, plus the flower stems are also better protected against viruses and bacteria.

Use Vodka

The alcohol has an antibacterial effect and can prevent the flowers from wilting quickly, depending on how much water is in your vase, a maximum of 2-centiliter or about 4 teaspoons of vodka is enough.

How to Preserve Fresh Flowers Longer
Image credit: Smart Fox via YouTube

3 Ways To Prevent Flowers From Wilting Quickly

*All image credit belongs to Smart Fox via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to his channel for more!

3 Ways to Prevent Flowers from Wilting Quickly

3 Ways To Prevent Flowers From Wilting Quickly

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