How to Keep Line-Dried Clothes from Getting Stiff

How to Keep Line-Dried Clothes from Getting Stiff | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: My frugal life via YouTube


One common drawback of line-drying your clothes is the stiffness. Whether it’s your favorite t-shirt or a set of soft towels, the last thing you want is to feel like you’re putting on cardboard. Fortunately, with a few simple techniques from My frugal life on YouTube you can ensure your clothes remain soft and comfortable while still enjoying all the benefits of line drying.


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This stiffness occurs because air-drying lacks the tumbling action of a dryer, which naturally fluffs fabrics and keeps them pliable. Additionally, minerals in hard water and detergent residues can build up on the fibers, exacerbating the problem. Fortunately, the stiff-clothes dilemma doesn’t have to be a dealbreaker. With a few strategic adjustments and mindful practices, you can keep your line-dried clothes soft and cozy. Learn how by watching the video tutorial below for the step by step procedure. From choosing the right detergents and utilizing natural softening agents to perfecting your drying techniques and harnessing the sun, My frugal life will cover everything you need to know.


Step 1

Add 1/2 cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle to make your clothes softer. Also, use only 1 oz of your laundry detergent for the whole load, and use the extra rinse cycle after the load. Now, shake each piece of clothing to remove wrinkles, and will also make it soft before hanging them.

Adding 1 cup of vinegar to your laundry load to make your clothes soft
Image credits: My frugal life via YouTube

Step 2

Make sure to hang your clothes when it’s extra windy outside as the wind helps a lot in making your clothes soft. And if you don’t want your clothes fading because of the sun, just turn them inside out before hanging them.

Line drying your clothes while keeping them soft
Image credits: My frugal life via YouTube

How to Keep Line-Dried Clothes from Getting Stiff

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