How to Remove Carpet Indent Using the Iron Method

How to Remove Carpet Indent Using the Iron Method | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image carpet: DIY with Michael Borders via YouTube


It’s been a while since the last time that we moved our furniture around the house and it was only recently that we decided to change some of the furniture and replace other items that needed replacing. It was quite tough because the stuff that we had to move was kind of heavy, but we still managed to finish what we started.


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However, what stressed us out were the indentations that some of the furniture left on the carpet, and it was so unsightly, so we tried different techniques to fix them the easiest way possible, but what has worked well for us is this iron method by DIY with Michael Borders on YouTube. Watch this video tutorial and try it out to see if it also works for you.

Materials for Carpet Indent Removal Hack:

  • An iron
  • Towel or rag
  • Fork or scrub

How to Fix Carpet Indent Using the Iron Method:

How to Fix Carpet Indentation
Image carpet: DIY with Michael Borders via YouTube

Get a standard rag or cloth, then soap it nicely with water, and make sure not to wring it. Bring the wet rag to the carpet, place it over the dent, and preheat your iron. Carefully iron the wet rag and ensure to not burn or iron too much on just one spot. After a while and when you feel like the carpet is loosened enough, grab a fork or brush, then fluff the carpet starting from about an inch outside the indent, and repeat the same steps as many times as needed.

Easy Carpet Indentation Removal Hack
Image carpet: DIY with Michael Borders via YouTube

How To Remove Carpet Indent Using The Iron Method

*All these amazing images are thanks to DIY with Michael Borders via YouTube. Do visit his channel to see more videos like this!

How to Remove Carpet Indent Using the Iron Method

How To Remove Carpet Indent Using The Iron Method

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