How To Do Laundry Fast (No-Fold Method)

How To Do Laundry Fast (No-Fold Method) | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: The Secret Slob via Youtube


One thing I hate more than doing laundry is folding it afterward. It’s time-consuming, and I just hate it generally. So when I discovered this no-fold laundry system from The Secret Slob on Youtube, I knew I had to incorporate it into my routine. My life got so much easier with this method. I no longer dread doing my laundry as I have an efficient pattern now. I also shared this with my family and friends, and they couldn’t thank me enough. Watch the video tutorial below to learn the following.



Step 1

Make sure to do one load of laundry every single day. Now, on Mondays, wash your bed sheets and change them. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, do your clothes. And on Thursdays, do a load of all the towels.

Doing one load every day
Image credits: The Secret Slob via Youtube

Step 2

After washing, put them in the dryer. Once done, bring them out to your bed. Make a pile of your pajamas, gym clothes, and other categories of clothes. (Don’t forget to turn them right side out.)

Step 3

Lastly, separate socks and underwear, pairing the socks and putting away anything that doesn’t have a pair.


Step 4

Now, hang all dresses and sweaters and put your underwear and tights in the drawers. The important thing is to keep your drawers generally half empty so your clothes don’t get all crumpled up.

Step 5

When folding towels, use the KonMari method so you can stack your towels easily.

Doing the KonMari method when folding the towels
Image credits: The Secret Slob via Youtube

How To Do Laundry Fast (No-Fold Method)

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