Plastic Bottles Turn a Fan Into An Air Conditioner

Plastic Bottles Turn a Fan Into An Air Conditioner | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

When I first saw this I thought it was one of the craziest things I’d ever seen! I couldn’t imagine why someone would attach soda bottles to a fan! Curiosity got the best of me so inquiring minds wanted to know! This may look funny, but the result of doing this is brilliant!


With the summer heat slowly entering our lives (and homes) this year, all of us are searching for ways to stay cool. To create a cool ambiance in your home, you not only need a good structure but also good air circulation.

In the end, an air conditioner is the best choice when it comes to effectiveness. With the cleverness of the DIY community, you don’t even have to spend money on a full size air conditioner, especially if it can come at a high price. Instead, build it in your home with things at your disposal.

I was looking for something to keep me cool when sitting on my patio and this was my solution! It’s also a great thing to have when your working in your garage…it can sure get hot out there!

It’s amazing how this contraption cools you off! This is a great solution to know if our air conditioner goes on the brink.

Watch how Crazy BD makes this cool (and I mean cool) DIY project in their step by step tutorial so you can experience a cool summer!

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