Easy Frito Corn Salad Recipe

Easy Frito Corn Salad Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: 12 Tomatoes via YouTube


I’ve tried many different kinds of salad before, but this Frito corn salad is an interesting version that I surely wouldn’t miss trying. It’s very delicious and the Fritos or corn chips are a great addition and it works well with corn, green pepper, and red onion! It’s so fun to munch on because it’s so crunchy and even the fresh veggies are very crispy, and the homemade mayonnaise dressing takes this salad to a whole different level.


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I was so impressed with this recipe that I got very excited for my family to give it a try, so I decided to make this for our BBQ party. Everyone loved this salad up to the last bite and it didn’t even last very long on the table, it was gone in just a few minutes and I even had to make another batch. Learn how to make this tasty salad now with this recipe by 12 Tomatoes on YouTube.

Ingredients for Frito Corn Salad:

  • (15oz) cans of whole corn kernels, rinsed and drained
  • 2 cups of sharp cheddar cheese, grated
  • (10.25oz) bag of Fritos or any corn chips of your choice, plus more for garnish
  • green pepper, seeds removed, diced
  • ½ cup of red onion, diced
  • 1 cup of mayonnaise
  • 1 tbsp of lime juice
  • 1 tbsp of taco seasoning

How to Make Frito Corn Salad:

How to Make Frito Corn Salad
Image credit: 12 Tomatoes via YouTube

Step 1

In a medium-sized bowl, add the mayonnaise, lime juice, and taco seasoning, then whisk them until uniform and combined, and set aside.

Step 2

In a large bowl, add the corn kernels, cheddar cheese, green pepper, and red onion, then give them a good toss until combined.

Step 3

Pour the mayonnaise dressing over the corn mixture, then toss them until evenly coated, and top it with more Fritos.

Step 4

Adjust the seasoning to taste if needed, then serve immediately, and enjoy!

Easy Side Dish_ Salad Recipe Idea
Image credit: 12 Tomatoes via YouTube

Easy Frito Corn Salad Recipe

*All image credit belongs to 12 Tomatoes via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to their channel for more!

Easy Frito Corn Salad Recipe

Easy Frito Corn Salad Recipe

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