Easy Drunkard’s Path Quilt Block Tutorial

Easy Drunkard’s Path Quilt Block Tutorial | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Teresa DownUnder via YouTube


Drunkard’s Path is a classic quilt block that every quilter both beginners and experts alike should try at one point in their journey. It’s also another one of my favorites and is a project that I enjoy making now and then when I have the chance.


RELATED: Donna Jordan’s Drunkard’s Path Flower Patch Quilt Tutorial

So, if you’re looking for a challenging yet simple project to try this weekend, then be sure to check out this video tutorial by Teresa DownUnder on YouTube, and you might just love it. Learn how now and see for yourself!

Materials for Drunkard’s Path Quilt Block:

  • Green fabric
  • White fabric
  • Light-volume print fabric
  • Interfacing fabric

*or use any color/print of fabric that you want

  • Marking pen, pencil, or chalk
  • Ruler
  • Scissors or rotary cutter and a cutting mat
  • Fabric pin
  • Needle and thread
  • Iron, for pressing
  • Sewing machine

How to Make Drunkard’s Path Quilt Block:

How to Make Drunkard's Path Quilt Block
Image credit: Teresa DownUnder via YouTube

Step 1

Cut one 6-inch green square, one 9-inch white square, one 6-inch light-volume print square, and an interfacing square. Find the center of the square, then trace a circle on the wrong side of the fabric, and turn the square around before placing the fusible interfacing on top with the sticky side down.

Step 2

Sew around the line, then cut the excess fabric at ¼ inch from the stitching line, and make small incisions all around. Make a small cut in the fusible interfacing and turn it inside out, then poke the edges, find the center of the square, and place the circle in the center. Press the circle so that the fusible sticks to the fabric, then pin them together in place, and set it aside.

Step 3

Repeat the steps to make more similar pieces, then sew around the circles very close to the edge, and cut the excess fabric at the back of the circle. Cut each square into 4 equal parts, then rearrange them into different blocks as demonstrated in the video, and stitch them together pressing the seams as you go.

Easy Quilt Project Idea for Beginners
Image credit: Teresa DownUnder via YouTube

Easy Drunkard’s Path Quilt Block Tutorial

*All image credit belongs to Teresa DownUnder via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to her channel for more! 

Easy Drunkard’s Path Quilt Block Tutorial

Easy Drunkard’s Path Quilt Block Tutorial

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