Downtown Quilt Block Tutorial

Downtown Quilt Block Tutorial | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Tulip Square via Youtube


Are you looking for a quilt project to practice your skills as a beginner? I recommend this downtown quilt block from Tulip Square on YouTube. This block is composed of half-square triangles and flying geese units, making it the perfect quilt for you if you want to learn how to make these units. 


RELATED: Beginner-Friendly Folded Corners Quilt Block Tutorial

Don’t get intimidated because even though this block is composed of these units, it’s beginner-friendly, and you’ll have a great time making this quilt. Watch the video tutorial below to learn the step by step instructions.



  • 8 – 2 1/2″ squares
  • 4 – 2 7/8″ squares

Color 1 (orange):

  • 1 – 2 1/2″ square
  • 4 – 2 7/8″ squares

Color 2 (blue):

  • 8 – 2 1/2″ x 4 1/2″


Step 1

Take one orange fabric square and one white square, line them up right sides together, then draw a line from corner to corner. Sew a 1/4″ seam on each side of the line, then cut directly in the center. Press open afterward. You’ll need eight half-square triangles. After this, lay two pieces, with the white edge and gold edge attached, then sew them together. Sew the next pair oppositely. Repeat these steps to make another pair of each. Set them aside.

Making the half-square triangles for the downtown quilt block
Image credits: Tulip Square via Youtube


Step 2

Now, take four of the blue rectangles, and four white squares. Sew them on one end of the rectangles from corner to corner, snip out the excess, then press open. Do this with the four pieces. Now, take the remaining white squares and sew them on the other side, repeating the steps from earlier. Now you have four flying geese units.

Step 3

Take one flying goose and one fabric half-square unit and sew them together, making a diamond shape. Sew all four like this, then press toward the darker fabric. After this, take two of the sewn units and sew one blue rectangle in the middle. Repeat this with the other pair, then press them toward the darker fabric. Now, take the last two blue rectangles, and sew the last orange square in the middle. Once done, assemble the units to complete the block.

Assembling the downtown quilt block
Image credits: Tulip Square via Youtube

Downtown Quilt Block Tutorial

Downtown Quilt Block Tutorial

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