Image By: Wicked Makers Via YouTube
I have always admired people who go all out for Halloween, especially in the yard decor area. I have done my fair share of costume making and run of the mill Halloween house decorating, but going for the ultimate yard decor is something I have always wanted to try. I had been searching online for yard prop ideas for a few days and I found this amazing bubbling witch’s cauldron that had glowing coals by Wicked Makers, on Youtube, and I knew this idea would be really impressive in my yard. This was a first-time project for the YouTubers, and they will tell you how to make the project more simplified, using fewer steps. You can rest assured the cauldron is going to look awesome no matter how you do it.
In this amazing bubbling witch’s cauldron that had glowing coals by Wicked Makers, on Youtube, you will learn how to make this awesome Halloween yard prop that will be the envy of all your neighbors. You will learn how to make a faux coal fire using a string of orange lights and spray foam.
You will also learn how to make the top area of your cauldron to make the mist using 2 small ultrasonic vibrating devices.
This witch’s cauldron just looks so fabulous, my neighbors cannot stop talking about it!