Do you love cats and have one at home? Why don’t you give her some love by creating a DIY wicker cat bed? This wicker bed retails for about 140 dollars online, but good thing I found this video tutorial by A Butterfly House on how to make your own piece with just fiber rush. Can I just say that this is one of the best craft project ideas for cats I have ever seen on Youtube! I am sure your cat will love this, and you as a cat parent will be happy too! Watch the video below for the step-by-step instructions.


  • beach ball
  • ring
  • masking tape
  • fiber rush
  • 4 pieces of a three-inch of a quarter-inch dowel
  • 4 small thin blocks of wood
  • 4 screws
  • mod podge
  • brush


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Step 1:

Get the beach ball and place the ring on top. Then secure it using masking tape. Next, start weaving the fiber rush. Secure each fiber cord by tying the ends to the ring. First, tie them perfectly around the beach ball. After that, create longer and shorter ones to create variation. Tuck them below the first cords so they will not move.  After you placed a few fibers, you will notice that you will need longer fibers since there is limited space to tie on the ring. Tuck the ends of the knots into the weave so that they won’t stick out.

DIY Wicker Cat Bed Materials
Image by: A Butterfly House


Step 2:

It’s time to put the mod podge. With a brush, spread mod podge on the weave. Make sure that you put on every fiber. Then let it dry.

DIY Wicker Cat Bed Instructions
Image by: A Butterfly House


Step 3:

Making the legs. Take the quarter-inch dowels and round the edges.

Step 4:

Take the beach ball out from the weave. You can deflate the beach ball or cut it if you are no longer going to use it. Let it dry again if you can still see some mod podge after removing the beach ball.

Step 5:

Adding the legs. The small blocks will go inside so you can attach the dowels. Screw the legs on the blocks and you are done!



DIY Wicker Cat Bed


Lily Suing

I have always been naturally curious. I love exploring various interests, whether it's trying out breakfast recipes, working on DIY projects at home, discovering new crafts, or anything that makes my life easier! When I am not writing, you can find me outdoors, enjoying the sun with a cold drink in my hand.

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