Last Minute Costume Idea – Bath Pouf

Last Minute Costume Idea – Bath Pouf | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Halloween is right around the corner and if you are among the procrastinators still without a costume don’t panic! I put together this costume in no time. It’s guaranteed to be a hit and truly one of a kind!


So spare yourself the embarrassment this October 31st and skip the predictable, mass-produced costumes and show off your creativity and style with this unique idea.

This is so easy to make and if you haven’t come up with what you’re going to go as, on Halloween, this won’t take long to make and you’ll be the topic of conversation, for sure! Oh, and also, don’t forget the bubbles and your rubber ducky!

I’m obsessed with Halloween & my obsession is so ridiculous. I literally start thinking of costumes in July. This is one of my favorite costumes to date. It’s so much fun and my boyfriend went with me, so he got to be a bar of soap!
All you need to do is buy some tulle from a fabric store, and bunch it up the way she does in the tutorial. You can choose to wear a tube dress, tank top and shorts, or leggings and t-shirts underneath.
Watch how LaurDIY makes this fabulous loofah (bath poof) costume, with lots and lots of tulle and a ribbon for the string, in her step by step tutorial!


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