Dollar Store DIY: Plate and Hose Fence Art

Dollar Store DIY: Plate and Hose Fence Art | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

The end result of this fun DIY project is so uplifting! Who wouldn’t want to hang out in their backyard with this “happy fence”? One of the best things about this project is that everything came from the Dollar Store! My kind of project…cheap and lots of fun!


This is definitely a great conversation piece and I’m sure that once your friends see this, they’re gonna want to do the same thing. I sure did and I absolutely love it! I’m an artsy person so this project was right up my alley.

I love all things bright and cheery like this, or can we say flamboyant? What she does is so ridiculously easy and you can do this in no time at all. Make this DIY fence decor using supplies from the dollar store!

Pick out various cups, bowls, plates and platters. Attach them together to create pretty flowers then hang them on the fence. I recommend using Goop marine glue because it is heavy duty and UV resistant. Use a green hose to make the stems. GREAT idea and easy to do!

She also has 2 other clever ideas for decorating your backyard and you don’t want to miss what she does, so watch how HGTV does these cool DIY projects in her step by step tutorial.




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