10 Clever Laundry Hacks That You Should Know

10 Clever Laundry Hacks That You Should Know | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image Credit: Clean My Space via YouTube


Next time you’re doing your laundry, make sure to apply these tips and hacks by Clean My Space on YouTube, you’ll be surprised at home much it can change and improve your laundry and your garments as well. These laundry tricks are also inexpensive and simple that you won’t have a hard time doing them and instead make your chores much easier and better.



  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Large microfiber or highly absorbent towel


Air-Drying Hack

There are certain garments that can’t get into an air dryer because they are too sensitive. You have no choice then but to hang them to dry, but they drip too much water. An easy trick to remove most water or moisture in your garments is by using a large towel that’s absorbent. Lay it flat on a flat surface as well, then put the garment in the middle, roll it like a burrito, then hold each end and tap several times, now you can air dry this properly without water dripping.

Miracle Stain Remover

To easily remove stains from your garments, you have to do a 2 cycle method of washing them. First, mix 2 parts of hydrogen peroxide to 1 part of dish soap, whip on demand then apply it to the stained area, and brush it well. Always remember to treat the stain as soon as it hits your garments to have a better chance of removing them.


Removing Wrinkles

In order to remove and avoid those wrinkles, you have to work on the source of the wrinkles themselves. Usually, it is your washing machine that does the wrinkling. So as soon as the machine stops spinning, pull the garment out and immediately put them in the dryer. The logic here is that leaving the garments for a while in the machine adds to the weight and piles on the bottom which gives wrinkles to your clothes. One more thing you have to do before drying or hanging your garments is to give them a few snaps and smoothing.

Fabric Weights

It is important to know your fabric weights and separate the garments accordingly, wash the heavier stuff separately from lighter and more delicate garments, otherwise, it’ll create friction and tear the materials which make them look all worn out. The heavy stuff such as towels also absorbs most of the detergent and water in the machine which lessens the amount that the other garments receive.

Delicate Bags

To not lose small kinds of stuff such as scrunchies, socks, etc, put them in a bag before putting them on the washing machine. You can also do this to your sweater to add a layer of protection and reduce friction with other garments.

Best Laundry Tips And Tricks
Image Credit: Clean My Space via YouTube

Pit Stains

Yellow pit stains from antiperspirant or deodorant and body oil can really be stressful. For an easy remedy, make a paste from a combination of baking soda and water, and mix them until they turn into a pudding-like consistency. Apply it to the area, then let it sit overnight, and launder in the morning or the next day, you can swap your water with hydrogen peroxide too.

Smelly Towels

For an easy fix to your smelly towels, give it a 2 cycle method. First, launder the towels using 1 cup of vinegar only, add this to the other compartment as well. The 2nd cycle should have 1 cup of baking soda in the washing machine, put it directly into the drum and the towels. After washing, pop them in the dryer and they’ll come out puffer and smell nice.

DIY Fabric Softener

To cut some costs to your laundry expenses, ditch your store-bought fabric softener, and swap it with vinegar. It will give the same effect to your garments and will make them soften and loosen up, they can also help rinse out excess detergent because vinegar can break up soap.

Air It Out

Your washing machines could get smelly because it doesn’t really have a place or area to let out some air for every cycle. The smell is also brought by leftover dirt, detergent, and moisture. So from now on, every time you finish using the machine, always open it slightly to let some air in and out.

Don’t Overdo It

Do not overload and add so much detergent to the machine. First of all, it prevents the clothing from flipping over, if it is too full it can’t effectively do its spin. This applies to the detergent compartment as well, so make sure to check and determine the amount you’re using and remember to not use too much or too less. Always max out at ¾ full capacity of the machine for the best results.

Genius Laundry Hacks Tutorial
Image Credit: Clean My Space via YouTube


*All image credit belongs to Clean My Space via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to her channel for more!

10 Clever Laundry Hacks That You Should Know

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