25 Canvas Painting Ideas

25 Canvas Painting Ideas | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image By: 5 Minute Crafts Via YouTube


I have always dreamed of being able to paint a beautiful work of art on a real canvas, but I never knew how to go about it because I don’t draw well. When I found this awesome painting hacks video tutorial by 5 Minute Crafts on YouTube, I knew I could succeed in my dream of creating my very own painting. The instructions were all so easy in this video and there were so many different ideas to choose from.


Materials For Some Of The Various Projects In This Video:

  • Paints (there are all different kinds used here, craft paints, acrylics, and oil paints)
  • A paintbrush
  • A pallet knife
  • The bottom of a soda bottle
  • A funnel
  • A comb
  • A ruler
  • A toilet brush


In this awesome painting hacks video tutorial by 5 Minute Crafts on YouTube, you will learn so many different cook ways to make beautiful paintings, even if you have little to no skill. One of my very paintings in this compilation video is the tall standing giraffe silhouette idea. The giraffe stands tall against a glittery backdrop of a beautiful night sky and looks amazingly majestic.

Make A Silhouette Giraffe Jungle Scene Painting
Image By: 5 Minute Crafts Via YouTube

There is another project where you use the bottom of a soda bottle to make this retro-looking psychedelic flower. I really love this one because it reminds me of Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In in the Sixties!

Make A Retro Psychedelic Flower Using The End Of A Soda Bottle
Image By: 5 Minute Crafts Via YouTube

I am still trying to decide which one of these amazing projects to make first.

25 Canvas Painting Ideas

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