Needing A Baby Gift, She Made This Amazing Item That Couldn’t Be Sweeter (Watch!)

Needing A Baby Gift, She Made This Amazing Item That Couldn’t Be Sweeter (Watch!) | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

I’m always on the lookout for a quick and easy baby project that I can  whip up in a couple of hour and give as a gift. I recently was told about this great tutorial and wanted to share it with you today!


These little gems are notoriously known as a “Lovey”. I guess that’s exactly what this is for a baby…something to cuddle a baby and make it feel safe and secure.

I simply adore this little quilt that she makes for a gift to give her best friend. She tells you in her tutorial exactly where to get this lovely butterfly fabric, if you fell in love with it like I did.

She sews two pieces of fabric together for a light weight baby blanket and shows us two ways to stitch it. I couldn’t decide which way I like best so I made them both ways. She hand stitched around the butterflies on one of the blankets and on the other she stitches three rows in different increments on the other. They are both absolutely precious!

Watch how Melanie Ham makes this simple little quilt in her step by step tutorial so you can give someone this for a special baby gift. It will be a keepsake for many years to come!



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