Best Grilled Sandwich Recipe

Best Grilled Sandwich Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits to Smokin' and Grillin with AB via Youtube


There’s been a lot of so-called ultimate grilled sandwiches, but this sandwich recipe from Smokin’ and Grillin with AB on Youtube is the real deal! Who would have thought that replacing butter with mayonnaise would create a great impact – a true game-changer indeed. Check out the tutorial below, and it may also become your go-to sandwich from now on.



  • Garlic cheese bread loaf (can use Texas toast or any other thick sliced bread)
  • 1 – 2 large onions (diced and grilled)
  • 1 – 2 lb. pastrami cut thin or cajun turkey sliced thin (can use any type of deli meat that you like)
  • yellow mustard
  • mayonnaise (of your choice)
  • dill pickle (slices)
  • 2 -4 cups shredded cheddar cheese



Step 1

To start, grill the onions on the griddle. Next, get your loaf of bread, and cut four slices of your desired thickness. Back to the griddle, set aside the onions on the other side where the heat is on low. After that, put oil on the griddle, get your pastrami, and leave it while it’s cooking. Next, put some more oil on a vacant part, and start cooking the cajun turkey. Get a dough cutter and chop the pastrami and cajun turkey into pieces (it’s up to you how fine you want your meat to be); add a little more oil while you’re at it. After a while, just before the cajun turkey and pastrami go dry, move them to the side where the onions are, keeping them warm.

Grilled onions, pastrami, and cajun turkey for the grilled sandwich
Image credits to Smokin, and Grillin with AB via Youtube


Step 2

Put a thin, layer of mayonnaise on the bread slices, then place them on the griddle. Next, get the shredded cheese and lay them on top of the cajun turkey and pastrami; let it melt. Back to the bread that is still grilling, put mayonnaise on the other side before flipping it. After a while, when everything on the griddle is looking good, start assembling the sandwich. Put the cajun turkey on one slice of grilled bread followed by the grilled onions. After that, put a bit of mustard and some pickles on top, then place another slice of bread to complete the sandwich. Repeat the same order of placement on the second sandwich; just replace the cajun turkey with pastrami and put some cheddar cheese on top of it. Cut the sandwich in half then serve.

Assembling the best grilled sandwich ever
Image credits to Smokin’ and Grillin with AB via Youtube

Best Grilled Sandwich Recipe

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