7 Baseboard Cleaning Hacks That Will Save Your Back

7 Baseboard Cleaning Hacks That Will Save Your Back | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Clean With Confidence via Youtube


Cleaning baseboards is undoubtedly a tedious task. Bending on your back just to clean that area will make you want to just leave it off as it is. But what if I tell you there are actually ways to clean your baseboards efficiently? These cleaning hacks from Clean With Confidence on YouTube will make you want to clean your baseboards from now on! 


RELATED: Clean Baseboards Without Bending All The Way Down

They’re so clever and efficient; I’m sure these are the only ways you’ll clean your baseboards from now on. Check out the video below to learn the following or continue reading down for the written instructions. Share them with your friends and loved ones as well!


Vacuum dust and pet hair off of your baseboards using a brush attachment. Just attach the brush to your vacuum and pull it along the length of the baseboards.

Vacuuming the baseboards to clean them efficiently
Image credits: Clean With Confidence via Youtube


Wrap a damp microfiber cloth to a broom and secure it with rubber bands. Use this to clean any built-up dirt on your baseboards.



Applying fabric softener to the baseboard repels dirt. Just make a mixture of four parts water to one part fabric softener in a spray bottle and shake well. Spray this onto your baseboards to prevent dirt from sticking to them.


Take two dryer sheets and attach them to your Swiffer mop. Now, go around your baseboard, wiping them with these. It will give the same effect as the fabric softener.


Use your mop to clean your baseboards.


Use a Swiffer duster to maintain the cleanliness of your baseboards.


If you have stains that are hard to remove from your baseboards, you can use a magic eraser to remove them easily.

Using a magic eraser to clean stubborn stains in the baseboard
Image credits: Clean With Confidence via Youtube

7 Baseboard Cleaning Hacks That Will Save Your Back

7 Baseboard Cleaning Hacks That Will Save Your Back

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