Watch How She Recycles Tin Cans By Hammering Designs On Them For Lovely Lanterns!

Watch How She Recycles Tin Cans By Hammering Designs On Them For Lovely Lanterns! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Tin cans are something all of us use often and throw away without ever thinking they could be used to make something cool. After we’re done eating the soup, sauce or beans we throw the can in the trash and think no more of it.


Today we’re letting you know about an alternative to throwing away all those cans! How about, instead of tossing them in the trash, you save them and give them a makeover?

This is such a fun and easy project. All you need is a tin can, an ice pick (or an awl) and a hammer…also the pattern you want to use! Looking on Pinterest, I’ve seen some really neat things people have put on tin cans. Some of the ones I saw had words on them. Some people spelled words out with a letter on each can for the word…so clever!

These are so lovely with a candle in them and you can puts some really cool designs on them. With Valentine’s Day around the corner you could make some of these up with hearts on them and paint them red for the big day! They make cute gifts to give to friends too!

Watch how this gal with Randomly Chili does this cool DIY project in the attached step by step tutorial so you can get busy making some for your home!


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