The Easiest Way to Thread a Needle

The Easiest Way to Thread a Needle | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Mad Scientist via YouTube


It is very important to have clear eyesight whenever you are sewing. You need to be able to see properly to make accurate seam allowances, line up the seams, and cut the fabrics. One of the most common problems people with poor eyesight experience is having trouble threading a needle.


Sometimes, you can’t thread the needle no matter how many times you try, just like my grandma when she was still alive. My grandma loved to sew even if she was already old. She still sewn clothes even if she was already 90 years old. Her only problem was she couldn’t thread the needle which was common for her age at that time, so she always asked me to do it for her. Whenever I was done threading the needle, she would always reply with the sweetest thank you while smiling. Writing this makes me miss my grandma so much. I wish I had known this hack sooner and told her about it. I am sure she will be amazed by this simple trick.

RELATED: 4 Tips On How To Lessen Sewing Mistakes

Of course, you can always use a needle threader, but if it is still hard for you or you don’t own one, you can try this simple technique. You will be done in just a few seconds, no need to look closely. Next time you have trouble threading a needle, try this sewing hack by Mad Scientist.

How to Thread A Needle Easily

Step 1:

Start by putting laying the thread onto your palm.

How to Thread A Needle Easily 
Image by Mad Scientist via YouTube

Step 2:

Get the needle with your other hand and hold it in the middle. Set the needle eye onto the thread, then rub it back and forth rapidly. Be careful not to poke yourself. You will see a small loop in the hole of the needle. Pull either one and you are done.

Sewing Hack
Image by Mad Scientist via YouTube

The Easiest Way to Thread a Needle


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