4 Tips On How To Lessen Sewing Mistakes

4 Tips On How To Lessen Sewing Mistakes | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Evelyn Wood via Youtube


Every stitch tells a story of creativity and craftsmanship, but even the most seasoned seamstress encounters hiccups along the way. Fear not, as Evelyn Wood on YouTube teaches us some tips and tricks to help us navigate the sewing process with finesse – minimizing mistakes and maximizing our sewing success. 


RELATED: 10 Sewing Mistakes Beginners Make

Whether you’re just learning the ropes or a seasoned pro looking to refine your skills, this tutorial will be your go-to resource for mastering the art of sewing with precision and confidence. Watch the video below to learn the following, or continue reading down for the full written list. Share them also with your sewing friends! 

#1 Do a Mockup for Fit

By doing this, you’ll be able to test the size rather than cutting out blindly on your fabric. From here, you can adjust and tweak the size however you like, minimizing the error on the way.

Doing a mockup before stitching to your actual fabric
Image credits: Evelyn Wood via Youtube

#2 Testing Stitches

Before sewing on your real garment, make sure to test all the stitches first. Get scraps of the fabric that you’ll use, then test your stitches and make sure they’re going to work.

#3 Testing Seam Finishes on the Fabric

Make sure to test the seam finishes after stitching to know if the seam is appropriate with the fabric. Again, test this on a small fabric from the garment you’ll be making.

#4 Practice Sewing Techniques on a Mockup

This is where it doubles in purpose in doing a mockup trial because you’ll get to practice your sewing before doing it to the real one. By doing this, you’ll see if the stitch and seam you’ll use are appropriate to the fabric of the garment you’ll make.

Practicing the stitch to the mockup
Image credits: Evelyn Wood via Youtube

4 Tips On How To Lessen Sewing Mistakes

4 Tips On How To Lessen Sewing Mistakes

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