Image by Missouri Star via Youtube
Once you have mastered the basic blocks, it’s time to move to curvy patterns. Don’t worry – this sweet blend quilt by Missouri Star is still a beginner-friendly pattern. It’s very easy to follow and not complicated at all. Keep on reading or watch the video below for full instructions.
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Take your yardage and cut it into 8″ strips. Next, cut the strips into squares.
Cut the fusible into 8″ squares and fuse into the 8″ colored squares.
Fold in half. Lay the ruler on top of your fabric. Cut into a 7 1/2″ diameter circle. Fuse into the center of a 10″ background square.
Do a blanket stitch all the way around, then cut it into fourths.
Cut three-inch strips from your colored and background yardage, then sub-cut into three-inch squares. Get one colored and background square, and stack them with the background on top. Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner, then sew a quarter of an inch on either side of the line. Cut directly on the line, open and iron the half-square triangles. Trim into 2 1/2″ squares.
Attach the half squares triangles to the corners of your quarter circle. Make sure the white goes on the white side and the purple goes on the opposite. You want a sew line that goes across two fabrics. Trim a quarter of an inch from the seam. Repeat with the other quarter circles.
Arrange them just like in the photo below. Sew them in rows first. Make sure you press the seams in different directions. Once done, sew them together just like a four-patch. Press it open. You need 6 across and 7 down for a total of 42 blocks.