5 Best Vegetables to Start for Spring

5 Best Vegetables to Start for Spring | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: GrowVeg via YouTube


Spring is one of my favorite seasons of all time because it is my chance to plant and grow my own food! Having endless supplies of ingredients is the best thing to happen ever, and spring is also a great opportunity for plants or even flowers to thrive and bloom. Here are five veggies that you can start planting now and prepare for the season by GrowVeg on YouTube. Watch the video tutorial to learn more details.



  • Garlic
  • Fava Beans
  • Onions
  • Tomatoes
  • Leaves under lights



Separate a garlic bulb into cloves, then plant them in the soil making sure to space them at least 16 inches apart, and place them with their pointed end facing up. If your soil is saturated or frozen solid, you can plant the garlic cloves into pots or plug trays instead, then plant them in the spring, and make sure to keep the weeds away to not disturb the roots from growing.

Fava Beans

Fava beans are cold tolerant and can be planted outside as soon as possible in the soil or into plug trays or pots. Sow the chunky seeds about 2 inches deep into the soil or draining mix, then make sure to keep them about 8 inches apart from each other, and make sure to surround them with enough support so that they won’t flop over.


Use fresh seed onions and sow them in a warm place and into pots of a seed-starting mix, then grow them indoors first before moving them into a greenhouse, and allowing them to continue to grow. Once the onions seedlings are big enough, gently tear them apart, then transfer them into plug trays, and allow them to continue to grow. Once you notice the roots starting to fill the plug trays, then transfer them outside, and plant them about 6 to 8 inches apart.

Spring Planting Tips And Hacks
Image credit: GrowVeg via YouTube



Tomato seeds should be planted the earliest possible, then space them at least a finger’s width apart from each other, and lightly cover them with soil. Place them in a heated propagator to speed up the germination process, then cover them with plastic, and place them on a warm windowsill. After a week, pot them individually, then grow them in a warm and well-lit area, and then move them to a greenhouse or cold frame.  In warmer areas, you can gradually prepare the tomato seedlings for outdoor conditions before transplanting them outdoors, just make sure to keep them away from harsh winds to avoid the tender plants from getting destroyed.

Leaves under lights

If you don’t have a protected area, greenhouse, or hoop house, then it might be best for you to plant leafy salads such as lettuce, spinach, and even pea shoots. Simply scatter the seeds thinly into pots or trays of seed-starting mix, then grow them for a few weeks, and once ready, tear them apart and plant them into individual pots or plug trays. Once it’s warm enough, plant them directly outside in cloches or cold frames, or sow the pinches of seeds directly into plug trays to grow on and plant as small clusters of seedlings.

What Seeds Are Best To Plant For Spring
Image credit: GrowVeg via YouTube


*All image credit belongs to GrowVeg via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to his channel for more!

5 Best Vegetables to Start for Spring

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