Are you paralyzed by the mess in your home? Are you too tired and don’t have the energy to clean everything? When you experience these moments, try to use this rule by But First, Coffee on YouTube. This is called the FLAT rule. I tried it, and it works! It won’t clean everything, but it will make a big impact on your space. When you find yourself overwhelmed by all the clutter and if you don’t know where to start, remember these tips. It will help you a lot for sure, especially if you have kids at home!

F – Focus on flat surfaces

The first thing you need to do is focus on all the flat surfaces around your home. Make it your goal to just clear clutter from your countertops, tables, and floors.

L – Localize

Clean one room at a time. Focus on just finishing one room, then you can go to the other. This will save you so much time and energy.

Simple Tricks To Get Tidy Quick Method
Image by But First, Coffee via YouTube

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A – Avoid side tasks

Stop doing other side tasks! Don’t get distracted by other things. Hyperfocus on just clearing the flat surfaces. Put the dishes in the sink, but don’t do the dishes. Take the scattered toys to the playroom, but don’t organize them. Put your laundry in the basket, but do not wash them.

Simple Tricks To Get Tidy Quick Technique
Image by But First, Coffee via YouTube

T – Take 5 minutes per room

Just give yourself 5 minutes to clean each room. Five minutes is a very forgiving time, and we can all spare a few minutes even if we are tired.

After these, your space will look so much better for a small amount of time and effort. Doing this method will eliminate the feeling of paralysis and allow you to move on to other tasks, like cleaning the dishes and doing your laundry.


Simple Tricks To Get Tidy Quick


Lily Suing

I have always been naturally curious. I love exploring various interests, whether it's trying out breakfast recipes, working on DIY projects at home, discovering new crafts, or anything that makes my life easier! When I am not writing, you can find me outdoors, enjoying the sun with a cold drink in my hand.

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