I love a Dresden Quilt Pattern and many say they are hard to make, but this tutorial is straight forward and super easy to follow. You probably already have the fabrics in your sewing room, this is a quick super project to do in an evening.
Moving house can be very stressful, the worst is trying to account for every little thing you own and making sure it gets to its destination. Recently I moved and was so excited to be able to have Christmas in my new place, but when I went to look for my Christmas Ornaments in the garage, there were nowhere to be found. I was sick inside, I do not know how it happened but I lost all my Christmas Ornaments. There was no point in playing the blame game, there were too many variables, too many things could have happened, so the only thing to do was to get cracking on my new Christmas Decor. So many of my ornaments were handmade and my favorite thing was a beautiful hand made Christmas Tree Skirt. For years we toiled over these homemade gems we lost, but never fear Youtube was here! The first thing I chose to make was a Dresden Pattern Quilted Tree Skirt, I chose to make because it was just like the one my Mom and I made years ago, it was almost exactly like it, one great big Patchwork Quilted Star. I was so glad to find this Youtube tutorial because my Mom was an expert quilter and she guided me through this process, and honestly, my sewing skills are ok, but I needed basic directions. I first started by gathering my materials, outlining and cutting. I drew this pattern on newspaper and cut it out on fabric, this represents 1/4 of the tree skirt.
Then I sewed together my backing and cut out my Dresden Panels.
Then I sewed the whole thing together and looked amazing! My Mom saw it and said she was so proud of me because I did it all myself.
Quilted Dresden Pattern Christmas Tree Skirt