6 Proven Slug Control Methods

6 Proven Slug Control Methods | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Simplify Gardening via Youtube


One of the most common problems of gardeners is slugs, especially during spring, as they love the damp and warm weather. They can be a really big headache as they damage the plants. But don’t worry, Simplify Gardening is here to help. Here are 6 proven slug control methods that actually work.



1. Bring wildlife into the garden

Lots of animals eat slugs and snails. Adding a small pond will help bring the animals, which can help you to control the slug population.

6 Proven Slug Control Methods Wildlife
Image by Simplify Gardening via Youtube


2. Place rocks, upturned planks or grapefruits, tin sheeting, or plastic pots to trap them

Slugs don’t have a shell on their back, so they hide away during the day. Provide these areas where they can cover, so you can easily remove them. You can also place upturned grapefruits or orange skins. The moisture and thick skin keep the inside of the upturned grapefruits cool. Slugs love to congregate in those areas.


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3. Beer traps

Sink a bowl or bottle into the ground. For the bowls, put a tile over the top to keep the rain out of the beer. Don’t use expensive beers, just your local supermarket brand.

6 Proven Slug Control Methods Beer Trap
Image by Simplify Gardening via Youtube


4. Nematodes

These are the slugs’ enemies. You can buy Nemaslug from shops.

5. Whirl pallets

Do not use blue pallets, as these are chemically produced. They are bad for your garden, yourself, animals, and the environment. Use wool pellets instead, as they are effective. Slugs don’t like the itchiness of the texture of the wool. You can lay them around plants.

6. Add copper tape

Stick copper tapes around your pots and connect a 9-volt battery. This will put a circuit through each of the bands, so that when the slug goes to the first band, it won’t feel anything, but as soon as it touches the second band, it creates a circuit that will shock it. This is great for container gardens and raised beds.



6 Proven Slug Control Methods

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