How To Store Potatoes For Months Without Budding

How To Store Potatoes For Months Without Budding | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image Credit: pellisproduce, and rubberbootsandspatulas via Instagram


Have you experienced buying potatoes and realizing they’re more than enough to what you actually need for a recipe? You don’t know what to do with them and have no plans of cooking them anytime soon, so you end up leaving them in your cupboard or shelves for days or even weeks. In this tutorial, Jerry James Stone via YouTube will thoroughly discuss how to prevent your potatoes from budding and keep them fresh for months.



Keep potatoes in a cool dark place

Potato is a stem of the plant and they like being in cool and dark places, so make sure to keep your potatoes out of the sun. When they’re exposed to too much sun or light, they tend to produce solanine which protects them from nature but in turn, makes it taste bitter, and not only do they taste unpleasant but may also cause stomach aches.


Store the potatoes in a brown bag

If you want to keep them fresh while you’re still not ready to use them, then store the potatoes in brown paper, and keep them open. Place the bag of potatoes in a cool and well-ventilated dark place, avoid exposing them to too much light as they could turn green. The ideal temperature for them would be 45 to 50°F. Do not store them in sealed plastic bags as they could trap moisture and in turn affect their taste and texture. Do not store them in the refrigerator as well.

How To Store Potatoes For Months
Image Credit: Jerry James Stone via YouTube

Do not place them with certain produce

Keep them away from ethylene-producing produce like apples, bananas, and more as it will cause the potatoes to ripen faster than they should. With that mentioned, you should also keep them away and never store them next to onions or garlic for the same reason. Following this method will keep the potatoes fresh for about 3-6 months.

Proper Potato Storage Tutorial
Image Credit: Jerry James Stone via YouTube


*All these images are credited to Jerry James Stone via YouTube, pellisproduce, and rubberbootsandspatulas via Instagram. Give their channel and accounts a visit and subscribe/follow for more!

How To Store Potatoes For Months Without Budding

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