Image by Joseph's Machines via YouTube
Some people have a hard time napping, and some people can nap anywhere they sit. I’m one of those people who cannot sleep unless I am on the couch laying down or in a bed. This video by Joseph’s Machines is hilarious and he creates more machine videos on his channel that is creative. I couldn’t take this guy seriously at all. The power nap machine is innovative and I’m sure it took a long time to create this. At the beginning of this video, I thought it was ridiculous how he used a bathroom plunger with a string to connect to his hat. The whole act of how Joseph falls asleep on the subway is relatable. It made me laugh because it reminded me of my mom. She falls asleep anywhere and falls forward or sideways all the time. It would be a joke if I made the plunger device for her. Also, I love how he recorded other people’s reactions when he used one of his power nap inventions.
Joseph’s Machines uses familiar objects that are around the house to create this power nap machine. My favorite part is when the coffee is being poured into the coffee mug. I was mind blown the whole entire time watching this video. It definitely takes a genius to figure that out with the perfect timing. Also, I think it’s one of the coolest machines I’ve seen in a while.
Overall, this power nap machine video by Joseph Machines is comical. I’m excited to check out the rest of his videos on his channel. Maybe I should jokingly try out some of these napping devices to help sleep better on the go or when at home. (But probably not)