It is true that plants help relieve stress and make the space more cozy and warm. If you are not a fan of real plants or just don’t have a green thumb, this inexpensive Dollar Tree DIY indoor tree is the way to go. Buying fake trees that are this tall can be really expensive, but with this simple project by DIY Karem on Youtube, you’re able to get them at a low and affordable price. Read on or watch the video below for full instructions.



  • 12 to 14 pieces of Dollar Tree greenery bouquet (these can also be found in Walmart)
  • Dollar Tree garland
  • Dollar Tree hydrangeas
  • long tree branch
  • drill
  • Dollar Tree wastebasket
  • plaster chalk paint
  • paint brushes
  • 3 bags of stones
  • 2 pool noodles
  • miter box (optional)
  • blade


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Step 1:

Trim the branch if needed using a saw.

Step 2:

Drill some holes, at an angle, large enough to accommodate the greenery branches. Make sure to drill on the top and side branches and leave spaces in between. Do it in your work area as it may become dusty.

Inexpensive Dollar Tree DIY Indoor Tree Project
Image by DIY Karem on Youtube


Step 3:

Remove each leaf from the garland. Do the same with the hydrangeas.

Step 4:

Place the leaves from the garland into the stems of the hydrangeas.

Step 5:

Paint the Dollar Tree wastebasket with plaster chalk paint on all sides and let it dry completely.

Step 6:

Measure the size of your wastebasket using the pool noddles, and move it down just a few inches away. Cut it into that size using a blade. Make some more with that measurement and stuff them into the wastebasket. To fill the spaces, cut some in half and smaller pieces.

Step 7:

Insert the long branch on the pool in the middle. Make sure it’s tight and secure.

Step 8:

Use the net bag from the stones, cover the top of the pool noodles, then add the stones. Make sure to cover everything.

Inexpensive Dollar Tree DIY Indoor Tree Craft
Image by DIY Karem on Youtube

Step 9:

Start inserting the greenery branches into the holes of the long branch.


Inexpensive Dollar Tree DIY Indoor Tree


Lily Suing

I have always been naturally curious. I love exploring various interests, whether it's trying out breakfast recipes, working on DIY projects at home, discovering new crafts, or anything that makes my life easier! When I am not writing, you can find me outdoors, enjoying the sun with a cold drink in my hand.

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