How To Store Apples and Keep Them Fresh For A Year

How To Store Apples and Keep Them Fresh For A Year | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Whole-Fed Homestead via Youtube


If you have many apples and want them to be stored for a longer time, watch this tutorial from Whole-Fed Homestead on Youtube. Who would have thought you could store apples for as long as one whole year? It’s super easy and doesn’t need any fancy materials or tools. All you need is a keen attention to detail. Watch the video tutorial below to learn the step by step instructions. Share this also with your friends and family. 



Step 1

Make sure your apples are fresh by picking them out yourself at their peak ripeness.

Picking fresh apples
Image credits: Whole-Fed Homestead via Youtube

Step 2

Cut the stem with a stem cutter right after you pick your apples.


Step 3

If possible, place your picked apples in a doubled-paper grocery bag. Avoid wooden crates.

Step 4

Once you get home, sort your apples into three different categories: absolutely perfect apples with no blemishes, apples with little marks on the skin but not open wounds, and apples with open wounds.

Step 5

Now, according to their category store the apples in heavy-duty ice bags. Tie the bag shut and label them, then store them in the refrigerator.

Storing the apples in a heavy duty plastic bag
Image credits: Whole-Fed Homestead via Youtube

How To Store Apples and Keep Them Fresh For A Year

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