How To Prevent Eyes From Tearing When Chopping Onions

How To Prevent Eyes From Tearing When Chopping Onions | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Smart Fox via Youtube


If you’re looking for a way to keep your eyes from watering when chopping onions, then you’re in the right place. This ingenious trick from Smart Fox on Youtube lets you cut your onions without your eyes stinging. I always do this trick when I prep in the kitchen, and it does work like magic. Try this trick today and see for yourself.



  • tea light (or any candle)


Step 1

Take a tea light (or any candle) and light it up. Place it right next to the onion you want to cut. If the candle is lit while you chop the onion, your eyes should no longer tear up.

Lighting the candle to prevent eyes from tearing while cutting onions
Image credits: Smart Fox via Youtube


Step 2

Now, cut your onions normally, and you will notice that your eyes are not stinging anymore. The candle dissipates the gas that causes your eyes to water.

Cutting onions while a candle is lit
Image credits: Smart Fox via Youtube

How To Prevent Eyes From Tearing When Chopping Onions

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